The mace which symbolizes academic authority is borne by the Head Marshal.


A crown of sterling silver rests upon the head of the mace symbolizing the emergence as an independent four-year-degree granting institution on February 1, 1969. There are five sterling bands placed horizontally around the solid rosewood mace. The first band is inscribed with the current name of the University and each of the four remaining bands is inscribed with one of the previous University names. These bands symbolize the five developmental periods of the University’s existence.

The First Period, 1935-1942
The Norfolk Unit of Virginia Union University
The Second Period, 1942-1944
The Norfolk Polytechnic College
The Third Period, 1944-1969
The Norfolk Division of Virginia State College
The Fourth Period, 1969-1979
Norfolk State College
The Fifth Period, 1979-Present
Norfolk State University